A Serious Trip Back In Time

These are probably the first aircraft I ever scratchbuilt in 1/285th scale.  This was about 34-35 years ago when I was about 17 or 18 years old.  They are balsa wood with thin sheet styrene wings and tails.  Yes,,, this is what I was doing as a teenager when all the cool kids were partying, drinking and getting laid.

The grey one is an A-1 Skyraider, the green one is an OV-10 Bronco

They are total crap … but we all started somewhere.IMG_2282

Finished My Aircraft Hangar Today

Just got this piece finished today.  It will be available as a kit from GameCraft as kit #285CSS154

A Bit of Work Ahead

Sometimes when I start painting up a bunch of miniatures I forget that getting the main color on is the easy part … the real work begins after that’s done.

This photo represents a lot of work yet to do.  Here’s what is left to be painted:  468 tires, 54 tracks, about 130 machine guns and cannons, 27 Sagger missiles, a bunch of helicopter windows and two aircraft canopies.
